
Welcome to Dunman's 1B'09 class blog!

1B '09 ROCKS! XD

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Hey bees.

Today was the inter class tournament. Dont noe how the other games did. But floor ball was cool. Except for the part that 1C CHEATED!!! Yeah, that sean. Oh well, nevermind. they'll probably lose tmr! HA. Aiya. not rlly fun larh. theres no fun watching CHEATERS play. Oh, &JingWei, will you stop blaming YOURSELF???

Its nobody's fault. Sean. Ha.

Btw, you all got back your report books today. CONGRATS TO:


Whoo, claps for them. Some people are not happy. But nevermind, strive hard for the end of yr exam. I knw you CAN do it. Bees marh.


Sports Day Attire.

Dearest 1B,

I'm posting this on behalf of Vanessa Koh, our ceh-meh! :D Ok, well. As you all know, (those who added Vanessa on MSN) next Friday is sports day! Whoo! Shout!! Wave your hands in the air! Woot woot!

Ok lame,

Anyways! Our class attire is YELLOW SHIRT + BLACK SHORTS.

Please wear them! Because, yellow + black = bee. & we are bees arent we?! :D

Oh well, remember. YELLOW SHIRT + BLACK SHORTS!

Signing off,

P.S : Our senior FA Kenneth Yeow's birthday was on Sunday, 17th May. So do wish him a belated birthday if you see him! :]


harlos 1bee-ians! :D
MYE gonna be over really very soon! :DD jiayous!!! left maths, geog and literature onli!! :D
hopefully, everyone gets good results for mye. (: when can the class tee be rdy??! when can have class outing??!! i wan!!! XD
lols. im jus crapping. jiayous all! :D


Hey pepos! here to revive this blog since i got nothing better to do than coughing like an old ama. JiaYouus for the coming mid yrs. must do well and show the rest of the sec 1s who the boss really is!
